Caring for people and environment
Many interests in the harbour
The green conversion that SSAB and the Port of Oxelösund are about to make, has been subject to an extensive dialogue with the local trade and industry, organisations like motor boat and yacht clubs, various associations, as well as citizens. While we must follow the current legislation, we also care deeply about the active boating community in Oxelösund and strive to influence the leisure boat traffic as little as possible.
As soon as the new terminal is put into operation, the number of vessels that load and unload gas deliveries will increase. A section in the port will be called off for unauthorised traffic, which means that the fairway for smaller leisure boats and yachts will be slightly moved. Note that this change will not cause any impairment as to which type of boats that are allowed, or when they can use the assigned areas of the harbour. The Port of Oxelösund will also pay for moving the current launching ramp in Sandviken and placing a new ramp in a more spacious location closer to the boat docks.

LNG pipeline
Typical LNG bunkering vessel. Length 164 m.
EX classified zone stretching out 25 m from both port and starboard sides.
Current fairway for smaller yachts, crosses the EX classified zone.
Preliminary, new fairway for smaller yachts, well separated from the EX classified zone.
Handling gas
Proven methods for estimating risks
When handling gas and other hazardous substances, one has to follow extensive rules and regulations. Having gone through thorough safety analyses to meet comprehensive requirements, the gas terminal project in the Port of Oxelösund is no exception to this rule.
The estimation of risk is based on an accumulation of probability and consequence. When handling gas, the most critical moments are when the gas is passed over from one unit to another, for example from ship to terminal, truck or train, or from the terminal to the gas pipe. In the port we have conducted a risk analysis for every part of the business that is affected in any way by the gas terminal project, from loading and unloading at the dock to the gas pipe leading into the SSAB production area.